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component error中文是什么意思

用"component error"造句"component error"怎么读"component error" in a sentence


  • 误差分量


  • Numerical examples are given to illustrate that the norm errors of the approximate algorithm is generally small , while the smaller the absolute value is , the greater the component errors will be
  • Secondly , according to these models , the measuring errors of the systems are decomposed into the component errors and traced to their sources , i . e . the units within the measurement system . lastly , accuracy - loss diagnosis of each system is performed based on the decomposing and tracing results of the output errors . the units are diagnosed , which are the main factors of the accuracy loss of the whole system
    在实践上,以两套实际的测量系统为研究对象,分别对其实际的动态测量误差进行了建模、分解与溯源,将系统的输出总误差追溯到各单项误差源? ?系统内部各组成单元所产生的误差;而后,以误差分解与溯源的结果为依据,分别对两套系统进行了精度损失诊断,并分析了系统中对总的精度损失影响最大的环节,此结果可为测量系统的设计者提供系统优化设计依据。
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